Halloween has become more popular each year with parties being held, fireworks being let off and children out trick or treating. Here are a few reminders to ensure that your pet stays safe 🎃 ;
- All the noise and excitement of Halloween can be unsettling and distressing for animals, so provide them with a safe, quiet and secure area in which to retreat, complete with their favourite bed, blanket and toys.
- Take your dog out for a walk before the evening activities get under way.
- Keep your cat indoors.
- Keep all edibles out of the reach of your pet, especially chocolate and treats that contain the natural sweetener xylitol as these can be toxic to pets. Should your pet eat either of these products, please call your vet immediately for advice.

- Keep pets away from the front door. Children in costumes can scare a pet and with the door opening and closing frequently, you don't want them escaping.
- To avoid the door bell repeatedly ringing, stand outside during the busiest time to hand out the treats.
- Do not dress your pet up unless they are completely comfortable with this and ensure that the accessories are kept simple. Supervise your pet at all times.
- Take care if you are using candles - wagging tails and swatting paws can knock them over.
- Keep glow sticks and glow accessories out of the reach of pets. Even though they aren’t necessarily toxic, if chewed, they can cause your pet to salivate excessively and act abnormally - seek advice from your vet.
And remember,
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