Concerned that Mimi's pelvis might be broken, she was scheduled for an x-ray the following day once we were happy that she was stable from the accident itself. Brave Mimi was given a general anaesthetic so that we could take the x-rays and the results revealed that she had broken her pelvis in several places. The good news was that Mimi was able to walk ok and go to the toilet normally. We sent her x-rays to a specialist orthopaedic surgeon for their opinion and it was concluded that the best course of action for Mimi was rest, with restricted and controlled movement.
Mimi stayed in hospital with us for a few days so that we could manage her pain and she soon started to feel more comfortable, showing us her adorable, happy personality. Mimi is now back home with her owners and we are continuing to monitor her progress.
She is doing very well and despite all that she has been through, she remains a beautiful bubbly Bichon!